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Surbiton Dental 395 Ewell Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 7DG

Sheeragh Wilkinson

Dental Hygienist

Sheerah loves her job as a dental hygienist because she gets to work with a great team, kind patients and good equipment. She was born and raised in South West London, left home at 18 and moved to Portsmouth to study to become a dental nurse. After working, travelling and enjoying her 20s, she completed post courses in radiography, orthodontic nursing, and oral health education. The women who have raised her – her mum, nan, and aunty – have had the biggest impact on her life.

Carer-wise, oddly Idris Elba inspires her. She loves that he has so many different interests and is not afraid to venture out. He does not stay in one lane. Actor, DJ, TV presenting, advertising, producer, director – the list continues. She has many interests and would love to do the same.

If she could learn to do something, it would be her childhood dream of learning to skate on quads. Her favourite quote: “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”.

The three traits that define her are her big heart, that she’s reflective, and that she likes trying new things.

The craziest thing she has ever done is been on a plane that was struggling to land and only had 20 mins left of fuel – which the captain announced over the loudspeaker!

Interesting facts:

  1. Carnival music is her favourite.
  2. Our family tradition is a fireworks party where everyone brings fireworks; they have a massive winter BBQ and then a big display to finish the night.
  3. My favourite place in the world is a high-quality spa.
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James was very professional, able to quickly establish rapport and provided a thorough service. As a result I felt comfortable, informed and happy to become…”


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Very professional and friendly. Gave me more information than I expected which answered pre existing questions that I had. Left feeling satisfied with the visit. ”


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Very professional and made a big effort to get me in a relaxed state after I revealed my fear of dentists.”


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I was extremely impressed with James, he took great care and was extremely professional. I felt that I was in good hands and I was…”


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James provided me with the best knowledge any dentist has ever been able to give to me. The appointment went extremely quick which was very…”


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Surbiton Dental 395 Ewell Road Tolworth Surbiton Surrey KT6 7DG

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