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Surbiton Dental 395 Ewell Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 7DG

Dental implant advantages

Essential Tips for Dental Implant Aftercare: A Path to a Lasting Smile

Post by : admin | 12 August 2024

Dental implants are a significant investment in your oral health, providing a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the longevity and success of your dental implants. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps and tips for maintaining your dental implants, helping you keep that confident smile for years to come.

Dental Implant After Care Immediately After Surgery

Caring for your dental implants begins the moment you leave the dentist’s office. The first few days post-surgery are crucial for successful healing.

Dietary Recommendations

Adopt a Soft Diet: Stick to soft foods such as soups, mashed potatoes, and smoothies during the initial recovery phase. Avoid crunchy or hard foods that could irritate the surgical site.

Avoid Hot Drinks: For the first 24 hours, refrain from consuming hot beverages like coffee or tea to prevent disturbing the implant site.

Activities to Avoid

Physical Exertion: Avoid heavy lifting or intense exercise for a few days after the placement of your dental implants to prevent complications.

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Alcohol can slow down the natural healing process, and smoking can significantly impair healing. Refrain from both for at least a few weeks.

Minimise Drinking: Even water should be sipped carefully on the day of surgery to avoid disturbing the implant site.

No Mouthwash: Avoid using mouthwashes for the first 24 hours, as they can disrupt the healing process.

Oral Hygiene During Initial Recovery

Gentle Brushing: Avoid brushing your teeth on the first day to keep the implant site undisturbed. From the second day, resume gentle cleaning in unaffected areas with a soft-bristle toothbrush.

Pain Management: If discomfort arises, over-the-counter pain relief like ibuprofen may be taken, but always follow your dentist’s advice regarding medication.

The Expected Healing Timeline

First 24-48 Hours: Expect some swelling and discomfort, which should subside gradually. Use ice packs on the outside of your face to reduce swelling.

First Week: By the end of the first week, most of the swelling and discomfort should have resolved, allowing you to slowly resume your normal diet and activities.

Ongoing Healing: Complete healing may take several months, during which the implant integrates with the jawbone. Regular follow-ups with your dentist are crucial during this period.

Warning Signs to Watch For

If all goes well and you follow the dentist’s instructions, there should be a minimal chance of infections or other issues. However, it would be advisable to contact your dentist immediately if you notice excessive swelling, persistent pain, pus, or a fever, as these could be signs of infection.

Now, there is also a risk of the implant failing. You can usually tell that this is the case if the implant feels loose or if you experience any unusual symptoms. If that does happen, you should seek professional advice promptly.

Long-term dental implant after care

To maintain the health of a dental implant it is important to maintain thorough oral hygiene and have professional cleaning carried out at three-monthly intervals. We recommend you do the following twice daily;

  • Use a soft nylon bristle toothbrush that has been run under hot water to soften it prior to cleaning.
  • Brush gently with an anti-plaque toothpaste.
  • Floss around all dental implants with an appropriate interdental cleaning device such as dental floss, super floss or a tepe or dental stick recommended by your dentist.
  • Rinse for 15 seconds with an anti-plaque mouthwash.
  • It is highly recommended to use an irrigation system (an interdental cleaning device available from chemists) around each dental implant abutment with an anti-plaque mouthwash at a low speed. This is particularly affective at removing plaque underneath the gum, which habours bacteria.
  • It is also recommended that you monitor your own oral hygiene with the use of disclosing tablets to be sure you are successfully cleaning the abutments of the dental implants.

Final Thoughts on Dental Implant Care

Proper aftercare is key to ensuring the success and longevity of your dental implants. By following your dentist’s instructions and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can enjoy the benefits of your dental implants for many years to come. Remember, your dentist is your best resource for advice and guidance, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any concerns during your recovery process.

If you would like to replace your missing teeth and chew your food better please call us on0208 399 4311  to book an appointment

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